
When you get started you will receive a username and password to login to the parent lounge. The lounge is access hub for all the parent controls. You can use it to add and configure students and download useful resources. In addition, you can find detailed information about each component of the Linkonlearning environment and read about recent developments.

The parent lounge provides access to the Student Management area. Diagnostic tools enable parents to view student reports in real-time, assisting parents and teachers to identify student strengths and weaknesses to create a customized learning plan for each child. You can also access our point management system. It allows you to redeem student points, select a reward you want to give your child, and print a certificate.


When you register a student on Linkonlearning, an education specialist is available to help. We can provide you with a full program walkthrough and assist you with setting-up your child in the right grades and learning levels for each subject.

An education officer is also available on an on-going basis to assist with tweaking the program to help meet your child's needs.

If you have any questions, need any help or support, please feel free to contact us.

Customized Learning

You can use our Internet-based program to understand your child’s learning strengths and weaknesses. Instead of receiving a report card once every few months, our program allows you to look at specific information regarding your child’s development on a day-to-day basis.

Think of Linkonlearning as your child’s private online tutor, 24 hours a day and just a click away.

The customized education your child will receive using our program will make the difference between them struggling and excelling. All of our course content has been developed by certified teachers from across North America.

Our program teaches to all the learning modalities (i.e. audio, visual and kinaesthetic), so students who might struggle in a classroom setting can rocket to success in our interactive environment. In addition, children who have greater abilities in some subjects than others can have a custom-designed course schedule. Linkonlearning offers all subjects at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, allowing your child to learn at their own pace.