Advanced Learners

Linkonlearning is an alternative application for parents that have students with advanced needs, and is for your children if you feel their educational needs are not being satisfactorily addressed by their current learning environment. By using the Linkonlearning application a student is able to advance through curriculum based on their knowledge and learning skills. A student that is placed in a particular grade is able to advance up to the next grade based on the students’ performance.

For example:

John is placed in the grade 5 class at Linkonlearning. After one month of diagnostic work on the system it is obvious that John is able to whiz through the work in record time with his average marks above 90%. It seems that John is not being challenged at this grade. John is moved into the grade 6 class at Linkonlearning and is now being challenged in all subject areas. His average grade is still above 80% and he is learning new and educational information that he is now discussing with his mother and father.

Further Linkonlearning diagnostics reveal that John is working at the grade 6 intermediate level for most of his subjects. However, in language arts and spelling he is working at the grade 7 beginner level. Therefore, each subject can be adjusted to grade and learning level that John is working at.